Dark Light

Joy To The World

We hear it in carols, see it on billboards, and Mariah Carey is probably singing it somewhere. But…


The word Gospel means “good news”—the good news that God, in His immense love, has bridged the separation…

Bias and the Bible

It is sometimes said that “You can’t trust the Bible because it is inherently biased, written by devout…

The Christ of Christianity

When I was doing my postgrad study, I spent a lot of time working on understanding and defending…

Why Philosophy?

I am sometimes asked “why are you so interested in philosophy?” Usually the question comes in the context…

Christian unity & COVID vaccines

Everyone has an opinion. It’s part of what makes us unique and interesting. But opinions invite different opinions,…

Learning from our lament

September 11, 2001 was a watershed moment in human history. That many of us can recollect the little…